Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Tension is like a rocking chair which keeps you busy whole day but leads you nowhere."

You are happy, you are successful and then you need not to think anything other than you target. It is good to see own future with positivism but it is nice to have a positive action. Why to be in hell when there is a way to heaven, when there is a way to prosperity, when there is a way to the culmination of lovely life. Happiness is nothing but an open secret to the hump of a camel full of nectar. Happiness is something which emboldens your confidence culminating in grand success.

Why to loose on something just for negativism which is beyond control. Negativism is a straw that breaks the camel's back. Negativism is a state of mind which occupies the empire of minds for the sake of nothing. Negativism brings tension and "tension is like a rocking chair which keeps you busy whole day but leads you nowhere". So what is the remedy of  ultimate negativism which is caused by something measure of which seems impossible? I can argue you for taking a shelter of superstition. Yes superstition because it will deviate your mind from negativism. It will deviate your mind from the dark aura of a mirage which could lead you to a failure to compare between real and imaginary. It will lead you to the creativity provided you have full faith in the superstition you follow. Because faith is the real key to success. Take a shelter of superstition only if you  believe on it. Only if you have faith on it. Only if you have ever used it then only take a shelter of it. But this time differently. You are trapped in the aura of negativism due to the reason of failure and remedy of which still you want to find out but not getting any clue. 12 minutes seems like 12 decades and what is wrong if you take support of a non-living entity for passing the time and getting concentration on your job. What is wrong if someone finds seeing a flute early in the morning for smooth functioning during the daytime? What is wrong if someone finds seeing an idol during bed time for sound sleep? Nothing. Does it breach privacy of others? Of course not! 

I do not advocate for any thing which could harm any living entity or dis-balance the natural scenario, neither do I advocate for any insane behaviour which could lead to breach of peace in the locale nor do I advocate for any attitude due to which a human being could feel embarrassed. I only argue for such superstition by way of lucky charm in your pocket and/or yoga in your home which are eternal but short enough so that the world could not even notice. When putting an scarecrow in the open field is not sin then how keeping a lucky charm in your pocket could lead to sin? It is of course not! I argue for superstition which is the result of sane behaviour. I argue for superstition which has no duplicate meaning but only one that is to keep lucky charm or practice yoga which dose not lead to the breach of privacy of others, which does not lead to the disturbance of others by any means and rather which does not lead to disturbance in your own. 

Someone keeping umbrella with oneself irrespective of time, season, place or context is sin as it could disturb others, it could disturb the general rule of the locale but keeping a small idol in your any of the pocket could not be a sin. I am bringing you in the world of some of the popular superstition which I do not advocate you to follow but to have a knowledge of it. These superstitions in my view is not only unscientific but also unreasonable. In Britain no one take date Friday 13 auspicious since 19th Century but not to be confused with the Friday 13, number 13 is also symbolised for bad luck and in the same time horseshoe deems for good luck. In some part of Turkey you may think twice before chewing gum at night as there is a belief that chewing gum at night is actually rotting dead flesh. The writer of this line generally avoids using oil at night. The best selling novel, "Anne of Geierstein" written by Sir Walter Scott in 1829 laid a sense in general people that whose favourite stone is Opal is unlucky. During the quin Elizabeth's reign, ringing bell at auspicious occasions are mandatory for keeping evil spirits away. In Russia, there is a belief that defecation of bird at you, your car or at your property brings good luck. It is believed that crossing your way by black cats brings bad luck. During WWI, soldiers were not lighting 3 cigarettes from single match as it was deemed unlucky. Some populations believes that looking into a mirror steals your souls and hence those who are looking into mirror regularly are deemed to be soulless. You must have heard that someone while waiting for an outcome says that (s)he has kept her/his finger crossed which means (s)he is praying for good luck to come. When photography was first introduced in 19th century, it was believed that taking photography is akin to taking soul away from the body. Greeks and Europeans believes that wishing upon a falling star is lucky. Word Touch wood comes from a belief that knocking a wood means calling spirits for your protection. Saying God Bless You is a way of welcoming the person back to life as Pope Gregory the great say it to people who sneeze during a bubonic plague; and from the erroneous belief that the soul escapes the body during a sneeze and the heart momentarily stops. Itching palm possibly all of us know which means the person is greedy. If your right palm itches then it is believed that you would loose money, if left palm itches it would mean that you will gain money and if both palm itches then it is believed that your way to doctor is soon. 

Hence, I am not advocating any of the above superstition as it will take your time and energy both and those are not lucky charm neither yoga rather I would recommend if you agree to take small and short moment yoga practice in your daily life under the guidance of properly trained yoga teacher, shortly you would realise that your adranils are saved. You can use lucky charms like handkerchief and/or wallet size idol/cross/moon etc but please keep in mind that it should not disturb others in any way whatsoever. Getting happiness by disturbing others cannot be said an honest way of success.  

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