Saturday, October 3, 2015

Adwait and The Grand Design

Once upon a time, it was argued that Hinduism is nothing but based upon the superstition and dogmatic belief and there is no God exists as believed. The first proposer of this view was Charvak. The Hindu Brahmans were shrewd enough and eschewed the concept by adding Charvak as Brihaspati, the Guru of Dev/Suras and this distinction between theist and atheist became so blurred that later on some people treated Gita as Hindu Book and someone like this blogger took the same as a constitution which teaches you self discipline and which teaches you that working is the last resort where you can rest upon. 

Then comes Gautam Buddha and again Brahmans made Him also one of the Avatars of the Parmatmah... Now it gives us a room of argument that Hinduism had broad concept of religion and never engaged in any tussle with any other religion and hence knot between Sikhism and Hinduism was much stronger. This blogger has not heard any news in any history about any tussle between Hindus and Sikhs. Hindus are following two paths of life: Dualists and Non-dualists. Dualists are believer in day -to - day affair and according to them God has same good kind of blender of love, fear and hatred as that of a living creature on the earth rather non-dualists are much stronger is their belief and they are nearer to atheist. They followed rule of law and according to Shankaracharya, there is no exception of the ruling of that Almighty. 

While being atheist, Stephen Hawking argued in his book titled, "The Grand Design" that the universe is ruled by law and there is no exception to  it. He proposed nothing but the ancient Indian culture where it is postulated that the rule of nature is the same to all and no one can be spared to it. Both dualists and non-dualists are agreeing with this point and hence dualists Hindus are worshiping stones, concretes, papers, rivers, rivulets, ponds, trees, sun, moon, planets, etc. so that the rule of nature could not be broken down. Tell me what happens when you stop worshiping trees and you cut it miserably? Best answer to this is there will be no rain. No rain, no crop. No crop, no food. No food: death. It means when rule of nature is broken, the nature takes its own course and spares nobody likewise when rule of law according to the Stephen Hawking is broken, the law takes its own course and spares nobody.

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