Saturday, October 11, 2014

Globalization is Reality

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji returned from the USA some of my friends have opened two schools of thoughts. One is dictating the pros of Globalization while others cons. Sometimes I am called upon in it as a guest and even after my refusal they drag me in at least to examine and declare the result. For me globalization is both good and bad. It is globalization which gave two World Wars in modern times. It is globalization which spread economic epidemic. It is globalization which keeps unrest between two neighboring countries and day after day egging the tensions on between them. But this happens only when globalization is the child of violent usurpation after breeding during the seizure of one country's sovereignty. 

When globalization is accepted and adopted by the countries for the welfare of the states, societies and locality, it gives the best result one has ever imagined. While it is helpful in reducing poverty, it creates lots of jobs. It makes countries dependable on each other. I agree that due to globalization, inequalities have increased and wealth has been accumulated in few hands but at the same time it enhances the standard of living of common run. Easy access of technology and reducing distances to treading has escalated the fascination of globalization. 

I am very much skeptic when government is bringing the FDI at the cost of labour. East India Company invested in India after depicting the miserable conditions of Indians and later Poverty and low wages of labour which discouraged the Indian Manufacturer and encouraged the British Manufacturer resulting in they were the pioneer of Industrial Revolution whereas we are lagging behind using technology even today in our industrial arena. Recently Rajasthan has changed labour law, as an industrialist, I could be happy but on humanitarian ground it must be argued. You are the democratic government of a welfare state and hence your first priority is to look after your elector and in any history of times labourers are the main electors.

Economic fraternity ends wars as it makes the nations strong in defense and weak in attacks. India is very much strong in defense and hence no first war will be launched on Indian side. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has asserted "No First Use" policy regarding atomic weapon and it is testimonial of my statement. But, in Indian context I am seeing it differently. There are two ways of capturing the market (i) To make a balance of EXIM (Export - Import) between the countries and (ii) To annex some territory of the country what China and Pakistan is doing with us. If you balance the trade between these two countries with us, you may find they are in better position.

Making short conclusion globalization is best when it is based upon fraternity and it has ability to tie the countries in one single thread, hence it reduces poverty, increases standard of living and spread technology even at the bottom as India is the best example.

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