Thursday, August 16, 2018


We like to read and listen that money curtails our happiness and we find ample report upon that. In the recent years, the Wall Street Journal blog, The Wealth Report, describe the story of a wealthy man who gave away his entire fortune as a means of achieving greater happiness. His feeling was that money and a luxury lifestyle were obstacles to being happy, so he decided and he wanted to give everything away. It is rare to find an example of someone who actually tests this hypothesis by giving their riches away becomes happy. You must accept that happiness is not about what you have or don’t have, but about what you do with what you have. It is certain that before taking any decision of giving my riches away, I will consult my family whether they are willing to shift in new small houses or not despite having privileges to get closer with each other in small house.   

I won’t trade money for happiness merely believing hypothesis that the corporate world is having dogged pursuit of dream and for the same instead of dogged pursuit I will pursuit my corporate dreams a receptive one. I will lead an obedient life in pursuit of corporate dreams and develop a hobby for causing the means of sustainable development in the society during my leisure time. I know doubling, tripling or quadrupling the sales is easy then to overcoming the failures. The corporate dreams would be dogged one when I will take longer to learn the art of overcoming failures.

There are a number of examples where the man has changed the style of earning money then to trading money. Comedian cum actor Rajesh Kumar recently abandoned his life in film city and joined agriculture in a village of Bihar. His reason is believed to be the monotonous shows offered to him and not being a challenging one. In a nutshell, I would, therefore, like to emphasise that even after trading money for happiness, I have to strive for my livelihood then why not to take the receptive pursuit of corporate dreams for happiness then to trading the same for the same wherein I will have win-win situation for both my money and happiness together. After all it is said that discipline creates life.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Young India needs Entrepreneur: An open Letter

Dear cousins,

I write this open letter to you neither because I don’t have gum (Not take a meaning of Hindi) nor because I don’t have your address. I have. Indeed being elder brother of yours I should have. I write this letter because when I tag you to this letter, all of your friends could see and realise their position in the compass they want to deal with in future. You all have chosen technical education for your graduate program and this is true all of you certainly have an aim to become multimillionaire or billionaire. Ironically, you could not say this to your interview board that you want to be multimillionaire or billionaire and if you say honestly this to them there is every possibilities that you would be considered feeble for their companions ignoring the essence of the honesty. But you have to keep in mind that you have some social responsibilities and to honour those responsibilities you need money. Even an old adage says empty belly does not permit for hymn and thus you have to earn money and it is reality of life. Some would refer this as materialistic but this is reality. Thanks to the Indians who exerted all their life to come out of the Hindu rate of growth and referring the manufacturing position of China and Viyatanam, India certainly would not have such large manufacturing base and the failures of the Indian companies one after another are putting the financial systems at risk. To egg on the situation, the current communal clashes between the henchmen are certainly alarming and the future is going to be blurred for at least an year.

Many of us approximates that the essence of education is not to get materialistic nuisance but to achieve some high moral standards in life. While I do not dispute the second one, I have some reservations for the first one. There must be some intelligible differentia. Aims of education certainly include development of the multifaceted personality of every individual human being. Education needs to prepare each individual for his/her future and empower him/her to make effective and creative contributions to the family, society and the nation. Five aspects of human personality which are intellectual, physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual determine the objective of your education and you cannot ignore their very power in acquisition of knowledge, wisdom, skills, balance, vision and identity. You must appropriate your ability properly to save the mind, body, property and reputation of every single individual. In doing so, there shall be gigantic hindrances to distract you created by the evils of the society. Sometime you will be puzzled to choose the difference between the good and bad and thus you to develop intelligible differentia. You need not to worry. You have to close your eyes and see the face of your parents in your inner soul and believe me you will ably differentiate between the good and bad.

Our education system is linear and episodic now a day which is not attracting the best employer of the world on higher pedestals. Instead the big conglomerate says India better needs to talk on toilet and sanitation then education. You certainly have noticed that the idea of nation is defeated by the idea of self-interest, an idea of religious nationalism and secularism. To put and borrowing the idea from our First Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, secularism has no proper meaning in Hindi. In Hindi, we confer that the secularism is to be indifferent of any particular religion. Some propagates that in India secularism means to be blasphemous of Hindu and supporting Muslims, Christians and others which I believe, I do believe that wrong, wrong to the highest degree. Secularism in my sense is giving true respect to all. To respect all the ideas. To be friendly with the representatives of ideas irrespective of the fact that the idea is critical to you. Our first prime minister always behaved like the prime servant of the nation which in Hindi you better say Pradhan Sevak. He was critical of a democracy where there is no opposition. He says without opposition the system is autocratic. To bring two instances in your knowledge, one is we all know the name of Late Shyama Prasad Mukherjee. Yes the same eminent personality from Hindu Mahasabha. Nehru Ji despite facing blow from the Congress Party, gave tickets to Shyama Prasad Mukherjee for constituent assembly and Late Mukherjee was selected. When asked he said Mr. Mukherjee is typical of Hindu ideology and without giving any opportunity to Hinduism our motto of secularism will be defeated. Second instance, I give you of Fulpur from where Nehru Ji was being elected for the lower house of the Indian Parliament. Late Ram Manohar Lohiya, a former congressman, was very critical to Nehru because Nehru inter alia opines that the selection should be on merit not on caste and creed. He was very critical to the British Imperialism who drew deep and dark lines between the castes of the Hinduism. Even Albaruni and our vedas were misinterpreted by colonial rulers. Lohia Ji was not of the same view. He once said that merit should not be the criterion of selection for giving opportunity because if we choose merit as criterion of selection for giving opportunity, very purpose of India would be defeated. He was in view of caste based reservation like Ambedkar. Knowing the fact that Nehru Ji will not be defeated from Fulpur, Lohiya Ji contested, in boast, and he had to embrace the garland of defeat. Can you imagine what Nehru would have done? He sent Lohiya Ji to upper house of the Indian Parliament. Yes, he sent him Raj Sabha because he said Lohiya Ji is critical to the government and he represents an opinion which should be respected. Can we not learn from Nehru Ji for welcoming our critics?

In real life, there are very few instances where we support an idea which is contrary to our nuisance. While working, please do not think you are the boss. The day you start thinking you are the boss, the same very day you will lose your commanding respect and shall begin to put weight on the demanding respect which must be condemned. You behave like colleagues. Get involved with their problems. Do participate in cracking their problems. Your colleagues will certainly need your company. The day you begin to hate your critics, you will be slightest by the company because your will lose you fine tunes and the tread will cut from the very point which cannot be articulated.

During British Raj, the studies of the students were nothing more than subject race whose ultimate goal was to serve the interests of the rulers. During the General Election campaign in 2014, Indian opposition party leader emphasised that job creation is dismal and the government is curtailing the jobs in government. I was very much critical to that view. Amitosh and Animesh, in my life, I have seen only 4 (four) gentlemen who are really the brilliant students and they are My Papa, My uncle (the elder Fufa Ji) and My Uncle (My Mama, your Father) and Manish only one businessman who is my uncle i.e. you father. I do not mean that they top the world and no one is having intellect and IQ more than they possess. I mean in our family these people are having outstanding presence of mind. There are several people who have acquired the knowledge to the degree beyond imagination, to name a few is our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Damodar Das Modi, our Hon’ble Finance Minister, Mr. Arun Jately, Mr. Shashi Tharoor, our opposition leader Mr. Rahul Gandhi, and the great Scholars, APJ Abdul Kalam, Esq., Vehla Swaminathan Banda, Esq, Sam Pitroda, Esq, etc. If I go to enumerate everyone, possibly my whole time will drain out and I will reach nowhere because India is a place of Intellectuals.

I think you do not have any iota of doubt on this view that the India is the mother of intellectuals. In that circumstance, you all have the fierce competition. You have challenges which you cannot dare to ignore. You have to do the best of your ability. Now question arises, how to find out the ability in yourself? You would better know the answer and I want to add that find what you have! Find what you have and be happy with that. Find what you have and strain all your ability to excel the same. You are graduating in technology and thus you are able to excel what you possess. Do not hanker after anything which you do not have but your known have. It is their asset why should that be with you? Time you devote in getting what you have and you do not have will be wasted and instead you will get mastery over your ability by devoting the said very time in what you have. You must be philosophical in life.

At the end, your study shall be converted into philosophy. Philosophy is everywhere. Studying mathematics leads to philosophy. Studying physics also leads to philosophy. Without philosophy, there is no success, so, when you study, you correlate the same with your life and that is why case study is given in all the higher education. Now, you have to choose whether you want to be a student of subject race or you want to be a student of practical life. It is your choice. I will not succeed in helping you choosing any one of them. You know why? Because, you are master of yourself. You will do only such job which your conscience allows you to do and, I am certainly not your conscience. Neither your parents are your conscience nor your teachers. It is your intellect who is the conscience. In life, first you learn to say “NO” then “YES”. Remember you cannot do all the things alone. You have to delegate the same and that is why you need to learn saying “NO”. You will find a number of examples around you who are yes men. They say yes to all and ironically you will find they are getting applauds for the same but at the end of the day you will be the happiest man if you learn to say “NO”. Remember “NO” to those which you cannot do.  If possible, try to be entrepreneur.

I know you are surprised to hear that I say to be entrepreneur. Just a moment ago I told you to listen your conscience and now I am imposing to become entrepreneur. No brothers, no. My idea is not imposing rather I am giving you some guidance oozed out from my experience. Listing and heeding is your entire job. I will not insist you to do exactly what I say. I am giving an idea to become entrepreneur is based upon my research on economics and contemporary public finance. Leader of opposition is having view that India cannot be a manufacturing giant as China is. You know China is undisputable leader of manufactories and US-Europe are the undisputable leaders of Value Added Services. India’s big strategic partner is USA, as you know. Yes, that USA about which, let me share an incident, Lohiya Ji once said, when democrats candidate of US President Mr. Kennedy would be elected, two voters would be very happy. Do you have any guess who are the two voters? Let me narrate ahead. According to Lohiya Ji, they are Nikita Khrushchev; yes that gentle statesman of Soviet Union who led the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, from 1958 to 1964; and Pt. J. L. Nehru. You can imagine the level of mercury in the sarcasm of Lohiya Ji. Lohiya Ji was critic of everything but had goal of nothing. He is beyond my understanding because I find no rudiments in his though. He even criticised United Nations for the reason unknown to me so I am not going deep into his thought. You may read him and if want you can either purchase his books or borrow from me for better understanding. Coming back to our discussion, USA would never want India to become a hub of large manufactories and China would never want to become a giant of value added services. Amitosh and Manish would probably better know the definition of value added services because they are pursuing their goal in IT sector. Here value added services means services in telecommunication sector and IT sector. Are you surprised for the reason I am saying USA and Europe are still pioneer of the VAS? Do not be. They are. It is not India as Thomas Freedman once said in his book the World is Flat; a book you all should read at least once. Again you can purchase it or borrow from me.

Now another question arises what is the future of India then?! Let me quest for the answer. If you remember, from 2005 there were four major policy decisions taken by the Govt. of India. Wait! Let me enumerate! (1) MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act), (2) Right to Information Act, (3) Right to Education and (4) Right to Food. All of them were severally criticized by USA. You know why? Let me answer! Because India was going to be a decoupled economy (Decoupling is the occurrence of returns on asset classes diverging from their expected or normal pattern of correlation). And thereby, you know we developed ourselves the world’s most consumptive economy. Chinese Markets and US value added services were heavily blown by our brain. While world was going into deep recession since 2007, our economy albeit lost its pace of growth but kept growing above 5% of the rate i.e. we broke the barriers of Hindu rate of growth even in a time of great recession. We developed our domestic market and imported up to the extent of our need. Hoarding was somehow vanished and we became the world’s third largest economy at the end of 2013 in terms of Purchasing Power Parity which is better known as PPP. You know for becoming such a giant, we took only 70 years much faster than almost all the country of the world. The miracle happened because we have faith in our democracy. We changed our government as and when required. We never let anyone to become autocratic. We never become Bhakt and Chamcha. In 2013, Sh. Ramchandra Guha, prominent historian, said Congress has chamchas and proving him wrong we limited the congress for only 44 seats. This is the power of our success. We never take time to respond. We are quick though arrogant which we must not for later. Now time has come to become responsible. We are at crossroads. Yes, crossroads. Because it is the time to retain our position otherwise China, USA and Europe is there to usurp. I am not scaring you, I warn you. And this could happen only when we develop an entrepreneurship in ourselves. Some days ago, on social media, Sh. Rahul Gandhi was trolled for the reason that during his family rein in India per capita income growth was substantially lower than the world average. I took inquisitorial procedure and found that Indian national household data suggests that the rate of decline in poverty has not accelerated in 1993-2005, the period of intensive opening of economy compared to 1970 and 80s. It means, before MGNREGA, per capita consumption in India was miserably low despite per capita income surged, if any.

When asked, Rahul Gandhi said, all the govt. of India failed to create job opportunities since independence. Though daring but bitter truth. You tell me should you still find a job? If you get its good but becoming an entrepreneur is better. You should find your opportunity in medical field. Rahul Gandhi emphasises that there should be Right to health. What does it mean? It means that access of good medical facility should be equal to all. Most of the states in India have already improved its infrastructure. To name a few is the medical colleges in all the four metro cities. According to him the synchronisation of medical data is the future. You are free to confer whether his party would form government or not. I am not going deep there for discussion. I rely upon him because he is opposition and any government would certainly do the same thing.  You would have found that the idea of connecting MRIs is ridiculous but I say it is not ridiculous. What he meant is to go paperless and all your medical history would be stored in a place and any doctor could easily analyse your medical history. He rightly took the example of pilot who are now a day not a pilot but system engineers as the aeronautics is now a day becomes robotic. He wants the medical should be on the same pedestal. You could delve into the medical field and find opportunity there. No wonder you may face a big competition from me. Because my idea of nationalism is not self-interested but is painted on broad canvass and I might get failure but you may be successful. So this could be your area of interest. If you want to alleviate poverty, you need to eradicate social barrier, you need to be self-independent first and then your cause would be free of corruption otherwise corruption could take a birth in you. You would have seen that most of the corrupt officials have roots in lower economic strata of society. It is because he has never seen money and acquiring power he tends to be affluent in money.   

Never give any chance to corruption in your life. You may face your senior’s doing which is not legal i.e. illegal or ethical. Immediately raise a concern and even if you do not have sufficient proof but you sense corruption, quit your job. Never think what will happen after that. Nature shall cure you. You are there for good cause and thus is the nature. Never think of supporting the evil of the society. Possibly you remember I left my job when I had only 3 (three) years of experience. You could imagine how tough was the decision but I took no time and left. Now, I can enjoy my life with what I have. I shall conclude my penultimate lines with the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “There is something radically wrong, especially for a nation so poor as ours, when parents have to support so many grown – up children, and give them a highly expensive education without the children making any immediate return.” Never forget you are Hindu who believes in principle of equality, as popular adage describes, “one who curbs social evils, annihilates his own bad qualities, and punishes the wicked”

ihnsait duirtaina ihnsait dugau-NaM
ihnsait duYTM [it vaa saa ihndu:.
(Hinasti duritani, hinasti durgunan,
Hinasti dustan iti va sa Hinduh.)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Understanding Constitution in Two Minutes

Our Constitution was drafted and enacted by the constituent assembly to cater the needs of all and to ensure fraternity and equality amongst us. Constitution of any country is the code for its legislative, judiciary and executives, the constitution of India is for all. It is so invincible that under Article 51(A) every citizen has to be on bound fundamental duty which is rarely seen in another country.

With 25 parts, 12 schedules and 448 articles, the Indian constitution is so unique and invincible that it distinctly defines the responsibility of legislative, judiciary and executives. Legislative has to make laws, executives has to execute and judiciary has to define and protect the execution of law and may I remind you all that responsibilities of these three cannot overlap each other. It has various characteristics which inter alia contains that it's drawn from different sources, the most lengthy written Constitution, it's a Federal Constitution with strong centre, it gives Parliamentary system of Government, and contains Unique combination of Rigidity and Flexibility, with Integrated and Independent Judiciary, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of state policy, Secular state, Universal Adult Franchise, Special provisions for SC’s ST’s and Minorities, and Provisions for autonomous authorities.

Following the words of  Dr. Ambedkar that if we wish to preserve the Constitution in which our greatest leaders have sought to enshrine the principle of Government of the people, for the people and by the people, let us resolve not to be tardy in the recognition of the evils that lie across our path.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Demonetization: A Financial Emergency

When (08.11.2016) i started to write this blog, the Hon'ble Mr. Prime Minister of India announced the biggest breaking of his government it ever had till date which is demonetization of all the currency in circulation having Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 denomination. This could be said the biggest move and the Mr. Prime Minister as he asserted that this tool is to curb black money. No wonder, if the move is taken at the behest of Baba Ramdev (He could be applauded for new Adam Smith as he said to the Business Standard in January 2014 that all currencies of 500 and 1000 denomination should be demonetized). But the question arises whether the black money is held in the economy only as liquid money? What impact this move will bring in the economy which has about 18 lacs of crores of currency in circulation? Does this have any impact on liquidity in wholesale as well as retail market? Is government only thinking about black money or there is some smell of other intention of the government? Let us explore!

Yes, indeed this is the bold step taken by the Government of India to curb black money. For any government which has lost its control over the gigantic breeding of black money in the economy, demonetization of bigger currency is the best tool or you can say Brahmanstra (A weapon used in Hindu methodology for complete destruction of the target). It is a welcome step and, prima facie, I welcome this and I appreciate the Government. The government has stated that this is for black money and we should have a cursory look on the economy now.  The data given by the RBI on its website reveals that total currency in circulation as on 28.10.2016 stands at Rs. 17.77 lacs crores and not only that the latest annual report of it suggests that out of this 86% comprises of 500 and 1000 notes which could roughly be Rs. 15.28 Lacs Crores. This means that after sudden demonetization, the economy shall have only Rs. 2.49 Lacs Crores of currency in circulation. Is our infrastructure ready to deal with on 14% of its liquid currency? Certainly no as India has only 12-14% shares of corporate sector in National Income and Bhagidari (Unorganised) sector has 30% shares. Even in Manufacturing sector the Bhagidari have 40% share. The Bhagidari sector is major players in manufacturing, construction, transport, trade, hotels, restaurants and personal services such as servants, drivers, maids, home tutors, grocery shops etc.

In terms of work force, 92% of India's workforce belongs to unorganized sector and they have been mostly paid in 500 and 1000 notes in cash. Data and statistics reveals that there are only 50-55 crores bank accounts opened so far out of which some are the duplication of accounts and some are dormant. A rough estimate suggests that only 10-15 crores households operate Bank Account. Now the point of panic is who shall be the biggest looser? The answer is those workforce of Bhagidari Sector who do not have a bank account. They will exchange money and possibility is there that out of which Black money could be generated. Maids and servants who  are paid irregular income shall be the biggest victim of it. Again a question is repeated whether Black Money is held in liquid cash? Answer could be both yes and no. Yes, because some domestic black money generated out of bribe and others are kept in liquid cash and no because the government of India has no official data of total black money.

Now let us trace back the status of economy. Monthly Economic Report published in September 2016 by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, reveals that the GDP growth has declined and moreover Non Tax Revenue which includes sale of Spectrum and other licenses fees  have also declined. The report also gives a sign of worry that all three deficits viz. Revenue, Fiscal and Primary are likely to be increased by 10.3%, 10.4% and 13.4% over the year. The growth in IIP in August 2016 was (0.7)% as compared to growth of 6.3% in August 2015. Mining production declined by 5.6% in August 2016 as compared to growth of 4.5% in August 2015. Manufacturing production contracted by 0.3%. Capital goods production declined by 22.2 per cent in August 2016 due to decline in production of items like commercial vehicle, three wheelers, grinding wheels, plastic machinery and small transformers. The biggest thrust on the economy is the number of telephone subscribers in India which is declined 1059.9 mn at the end of June 2016 to 1058.9 mn at the end of July 2016. Area where the government need to come with clarity is whopping increase in planned expenditure of 26.8% and a good gesture of pose shows that non-planned expenditure increased only by 3.6%.

In most of the economy, as it is said, the writer of this line has not verified this line himself, black money is not held in liquid cash in abundance, neither arms are smuggled in local currencies usually.  Those who are accustomed to generating black money have lots of heaven instead of hard cash. Demonetization assumes that all black incomes are held in the form of cash balances, but in fact it is small part. In 1946 and 1978, demonetization was unsuccessful as the businessmen reportedly invented a number of clandestine ways to circumvent demonetization and thus the generations witnessed black money and so could be apprehended this time too. In the contrary, the general people and farmers will be the biggest victim of this. Money supply will be contracted and thus the commodities and perishable items which are in market shall be forced to sell on lower price resulting in deflation. Not only that this will contract export also as the currency shall likely to be appreciated and that will heavily impact the economy as the fundamentals shall not have any role to play in. When the incumbent government assumed power, it was said that the money is in abroad and that will have to be brought back.

The data suggests that Net Foreign  Exchange Assets of RBI as on 28.10.2016 stands at 24.49 Lacs crores i.e. 138% of currency in circulation. If 500 and 1000 denomination notes sucked from the circulation then this Foreign Exchange Assets could surge resulting in the fact that the foreign nations could be bailed out from the public money. Another apprehension is that the government could redeem sovereign debts and clear treasury bills out of this money. Not fetching money from sale of Coal Blocks, Spectrum and Disclosure Schemes (IDS) as expected could have a serious root  of this act of demonetization. Another calculation suggests that in case of sucking  all 15 lacs crores of money from circulation, RBI shall get 60,000 Crores (approximately) in form of CRR which could be utilised, inter alia, in financing a total of Rs. 31,300 crore in the financial year 2016-17 and to service the principal and interest against the Extra Budgetary Resources of Rs. 16,300 crore by Government of India to augment infrastructure spending which The Union Cabinet approved in September 2016.

Though all the above are speculations and one thing could be added that whether the infrastructure is eligible for handling raucous, if any. The wholesale market has tumbled a lot against the logic. In India, it may be said easily that the market shall not suffer, the cash in circulation to GDP ratio stands at 13-15% where as globally it is 2.5% to 8%, but in reality it is not, and thus the wholesale market as well as retail market is likely to be badly impacted. The government shall be able to avoid situation of financial emergency, i hope. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Again a populist Budget!

From the trends of economic survey 2015-16, it is clear that this union budget is also going to be a populist one! Please do not startle yourself! Whatever I say is the outcome of the trends of economic survey! While I have confidence on my analysis, I do not have right to pronounce the idea of others as mistaken. This union budget to be introduce in Lok Sabha on February 29, 2016 is going to be a burden on the pockets of general people. I am not swirling nor I do have any intention to  do so. I am directly coming to the point. You can see from this economic survey that UPA II is blamed in this survey for the bad performance. While the government has GDP data upto 2014 only and also with the help of IMF and World Bank, the government is just trying to take credits of its newly implemented policies. I am not going to delve into this matter further as being human I could take the view mistaken which I do not want. Most of data used in this Economic Survey is of the period of previous governments and thus this government could not be tested at this juncture at least.

In the state of the economy chapter, it is said that India's consumption growth till 2001 was 5.5%, it was 6.4% from 2002 to 2007 and after that till 2014, it is 7.5%. It is also said that 72% of global growth is attributed by the final consumption from 1991 till 2013. 2007 recession has deep impact till now and except china world is seeing a nosedive in the investment arena. The economic survey is much choosy upon the subject of GDP growth. For the sake of clarity I bring the formula of GDP here;

GDP (Y) = Consumption (C) + Investment (I) + Government Expenditure (G) + Net Export (X-M)
where X is Export and M is import.

I would not like to go much on the formula rather coming back to  the discussion the Economic Survey 2015-16 (ES) envisages that the largest chunk is coming from private final consumption. It would constitute almost 60% of total GDP. If we take advance estimate then it could be Rs. 68,10,577 cr. According to the new series estimate, it was Rs. 49,45,926 cr. A whopping difference of Rs. 18,64,650 cr. Can you guess what does it say? Let us guess! This is a clear indication that some sort of social security scheme with longest lock-in period shall come into force. Schemes like Insurance whose benefit shall be reaped after say 20-30 years, a big thrust upon schemes like gold monetization schemes, savings in liquid assets which could easily utilized by the Government of India and this could be Fixed Deposits, Kisan Vikas Patra, PF and like. The ES indicates that the Government consumption has been lowered to nearest of 10% from 11%. This could cut the education grant, health grant and other such welfare schemes and the same could be given to private body of PPP model. The most disturbing part of the survey is fixed capital formation. In 2015-16 it is lowered to 29% from 34% in 2011-12. Fixed capital formation is indicator of business environment in the country. It is lowered generally during the recessionary period. Academically, I can argue that the fixed capital formation constitute the acquisition of fixed assets by business, government and household. Now this is much more complex as Railway announced three new freight corridor and thus we could expect that upto next year government is not going to start its process on new freight corridor. Infrastructure spending by the government is considered good because it saves money in the long run and reduces the Net present value of the government liabilities. But, where the capital formation has lowered, the government shall have to make endeavour to bring ideas for youths employment. We can cheer that the government is going to boost export which it has failed miserably.    

Government planned to finance central plan mostly by market borrowings and Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs). Yes, PSEs which is regularly questioned. Again  market borrowing shall be a burden upon the general public as the same could be initially funded by Foreign Institutional Investors but later the same could be turned to short term borrowing and the Insurance companies have to subscribe the same as the trend  goes. The budgeted estimate reveals that the government borrows Rs.  456405 crores from market and PSEs could contribute Rs. 317889 cr. out of total estimate of Rs. 578382 cr. made NITI Ayog. The government seems to be exerting all  its effort on mining which i personally finds a bad idea.  2015-16 Advance estimate has envisaged growth rate of Agriculture a meager 1.1%, mining 6.9%, manufacturing 9.5% and service 9.2%. First revised estimate of 2014-15 is embracing agriculture in  negative growth,  and mining whopping 10.8%. We should keep quite on manufacturing as it is only 5.5% and Service is 10.6%.

Indian GDP is primarily and mainly contributed by household sectors (45.5%) followed by private sectors (33.9%) in 2011-12. Trend suggest that while contribution of household (44.8%) and public sectors (19.4%) declined in 2014-15, private sectors prospered (35.9%) since 2011-12 till 2014-15. This budget could stimulate the private sectors with tax soaps and other loan waivers. The government could announce major amendment in tax laws for startups and other  SMEs and the farmers i.e. agriculture and fishing could be sidelined. 

John F Kennedy in his inaugural address dated January 20, 1961 said, "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." In a nutshell, this budget seems to going to be a corporate presentation where the bottom-line of corporate should be looked after. Expenditure on Social Security Schemes could be lowered and instead of that insurance schemes could be floated under the banner of social security schemes. By doing so, this government could be a limited government instead of an activist government which is a force for public good.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The ugly truth behind a ‘heartwarming’ story of Muslims performing a Kashmiri Pandit’s last rites by Rahul Pandita

"This is not the only time when false stories like the one from Malvan have been reported from Kashmir. We read these stories every year. They are to Kashmir what the story of the Diwali mela at the school for the blind is to newspapers in Delhi. It is not that senior journalists or the civil society in Kashmir do not know the charade behind these stories. But they choose to keep silent.".... The ugly truth behind a ‘heartwarming’ story of Muslims performing a Kashmiri Pandit’s last rites

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Account of Death

A user on Quora met an accident and then encounters death for nearly 52 seconds once and later went to coma... What his Grandmother did to him you can spell out by reading his lines; - 

"I have been dead for 52 seconds on the Operation Table and then again when I was in the ICU I slipped into coma. This happened in 2012 when a truck crushed me under its 12 wheels.
I still remember that as I inched closer to the huge gap that is between the first 4 wheels and the last 6 wheels of a long trailer truck, my brain was in the process of diluting the colors from the world. I could see everything was turning black and white, as my body was preparing itself to take the blow.
When I finally fell and the last 6 wheels went over my spine and legs, the pain was excruciating. At that moment I had broken my entire rib cage, my legs were crushed, but they were still attached to my body. My liver was cut in half and the half was floating inside my body. My left kidney burst not being able to handle the pressure of the truck on me, and I dislocated many many bones on my body. A part of my face near the eyes flew off to reveal the bones underneath. My circulatory system was devastated and I developed a heart blockage
So after giving anesthesia, the doctors concluded that I had 5% chance of survival and they performed an experimental surgery on me, for 8 hours, between which I supposedly died.
I know what others have told you, but at that moment when I was dead I saw my recently deceased grandmother who was patting me on my temples. Everything was in black and white. Nothing except my eyes were moving so she started patting harder and called out my name, she kept calling and calling and calling until I decided I would put my entire might to answer her. I opened my mouth, and gasped, struggling for air. My grandmother looked at me and smiled. And then I came back to the real world and subconsciously felt the cold operating table and blaring AC inside the Theatre. Maybe she had appeared before me to push back my spirit in my body so that I could live again.
A day after my operation my condition wasn't improving, on top of that I was hallucinating and had a bad cold, and was unable to breathe. It was only then doctors found out my left lung was damaged and was not working properly and both of the lungs had fluid filled within them. So they put me in an automatic breathing machine which pushes air into your lungs. It is extremely painful and makes you extremely thirsty. However I didn't last the night and slipped into a coma when nobody was looking.
It was then when I saw that my brain was playing back everything it had recorded for the 18 years I had lived in first person. However I found out I can switch to third person on my will. So I saw my own birth, my first day at school, my first fight at 3 years of age, my first song that I sung at 4 years of age, things that I normally didn't remember. I also saw myself slipping into a coma.
Everything was okay at first but then the playback in my brain went into an infinite loop when the order of events reached my accident. It was repeatedly showing me what happened in those brief 2 seconds when my body had shut itself down and everything went black. The eyes and the brain were still recording the events it seems. And it was an unending loop. It was painful and I was crying to make myself stop. I screamed out at myself (the third person me) but I wouldn't listen(the first person me). I don't know how much I screamed and how much I suffered fighting the endless battle with myself. And then I fell asleep, tired. It was a timely dream of "falling" that woke myself up (still in third person) and had enough force to stop the recording from playing.
In my dream I saw my grandmother and I were swinging in the playground when I was 4. I remember she swung so hard that it threw me off balance and I hurtled towards the ground, from a height of 5 feet. It was that falling sensation that saved me by waking me up. Again my grandmothers memories had saved me.
After those events I quickly recovered. Both my feet were to be amputated as the popliteal artery in both were snapped, but the doctors healed them. I started walking backwards on the 17th day and started walking front on the 22nd day. I was discharged from the hospital on the 36th day and started college only after 20 days after.
I don't know if I gave an appropriate answer to your question. I just shared what I had felt."
Courtesy: Quora

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The day the Mahatma was killed

What happened at the then Birla house at 5, Albuquerque Road ( now 30 January Marg), on 30 January, 1948 ? After talking to two surviving eye-witnesses of the gory Gandhi murder case, Mr. Vivek Shukla has written this story for the The Tribune. It is informative and would be interesting for you. I am just sharing it, please have a look by following the link! The day the Mahatma was killed!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Don’t sell your conscience to buy an award!

Today you and I can boast of a tolerant India because this RSS was not allowed to dictate terms to the HRD Ministry and influence our education, and through it, our collective thought process. Something, which they are doing now with impunity. Last heard, they have advised the HRD ministry to not allow boys and girls to attend school together, and that school hours should be exceeded to 12 from six, so that everybody can learn Sanskrit. Phew! You, of course, would not talk about it, much less tweet about it. How can you? Who knows the just arrived Padma Bhushan may just be recalled? Just like your favourite party recalled all the honorable governors — to settle scores with the previous government — just after assuming power in 2014? By the way, that's another policy misadventure you will religiously not talk about...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Indian Cast System is unique and distinctly defined...

Yes the Industrial revolution and rapid transition in Information Technology shall bring the cast system in India as that of Vedic Age where everyone shall be treated equal and at par... 

The blog is written in Hindi... Upon request can be translated in English too... Just mention in the comment box available just below the post...